Teacher Center
The East Meadow Teacher Center (EMTC) has always focused on its mission of offering professional development that will impact student learning and achievement to teachers at all stages of their careers. The main offerings of the EMTC have included courses developed and offered by our own professional staff, professional circles, and book circles. The courses and circles must align with the State Learning Standards. Circle topics are chosen by a small group of teachers with a common interest. Both the courses and circles require a lesson plan or reflective journal upon completion. The EMTC also provides information to all teachers and staff received from the New York State Education Department as it becomes available. The EMTC also collaborates with local universities, BOCES and LINC to provide other professional development opportunities to teachers.
In the 2019-2020, the EMTC will offer the in-service course: Progress Monitoring- For Students with an IEP. Often times the responsibility of monitoring IEP goals falls on the special education teacher but this should not be the case. Every teacher that works with the student is responsible for managing that child's IEP and their needs, especially as it comes to progress monitoring of goals. Often general education teachers do not have a vast understanding of the components of the IEP and how to keep track of a students' progress towards a goal, or what materials to collect in order to track this progress. Teachers will learn how to collaborate with special education teachers in order to effectively implement the IEP and how to collect data for progress monitoring.